Information about changes to client applications for QES
11. 3. 2025
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.9 Installer
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.34^
- update of the PDFNet SDK library to version 11.2
- adding and processing the XHTML constant in the xslMediaDestinationTypeDescription parameter of the CreateObject and CreateObject2 methods of XmlBpPlugin class in XML plugin
- inserting SigningTime element value in UTC into the signature in XadesBpSig class
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.22^
- disabled product installation if D.Signer .NET v5.0 or later is installed (merging products in D.Signer .NET)
- AsicFactory – checking for duplicates in manifest.xml in CheckContainer method, preventing merging of containers that contain duplicates in manifest.xml
- AsicFactory – .xdcf extension added to mimetypes.xml
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2041^
- acceptance of XHTML value in MediaDestinationTypeDescription attribute in XmlDataContainer structure
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher 2 v2.0.0.4
D.Updater v1.0.6
Java QES Components
D.Signer/XAdES Java v2.0.33.0^
- Windows: ignoring corrupted certificates in the MS Personal Certificate Store
D.Signer/XAdES Java v2.0.34.0^
- update of the PDFNet SDK library to version 11.2
- adding and processing the XHTML constant in the xslMediaDestinationTypeDescription parameter of the CreateObject and CreateObject2 methods of XmlBpPlugin class in XML plugin
- inserting SigningTime element value in UTC into the signature in XadesBpSig class
D.Signer/XAdES Java Tools v2.0.12.3^
- AsicFactory – checking for duplicates in manifest.xml in CheckContainer method, preventing merging of containers that contain duplicates in manifest.xml
- AsicFactory – .xdcf extension added to mimetypes.xml
D.Viewer Java^
- acceptance of XHTML value in MediaDestinationTypeDescription attribute in XmlDataContainer structure
D.Bridge JS v1.5.2.0^
- adding and processing the XHTML constant in the xslMediaDestinationTypeDescription parameter of addXmlObject method of ditec.dSigXadesBpJs object
- update of documentation for integrators:
- Dokumentacia_pre_integratorov_ASiC_Factory_Java,
- Integracna_prirucka_D.Bridge_JS,
3. 9. 2024
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.8 Installer
- required version of the .NET Framework increased to v4.6.2
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.33^
- required version of the .NET Framework increased to v4.6.2
- CNG support in communication with a qualified signature creation device (QSCD)
- fix of type casting of double in D.Bridge2
- replacement of "\" with "/" in objectId when signing files in subfolders
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.21^
- ASiC Factory – acceptance of "\" in the URI of the signed object in the subfolder
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2040^
- acceptance of "\" in the URI of the signed object in the subfolder
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher 2 v2.0.0.4
D.Updater v1.0.6^
- in case of unsuccessful installation, the link in the error message refers directly to the installation file
- update of the library with implementation of GUI elements
Java KEP komponenty
D.Signer/XAdES v2.0.32.1^
- CNG support in communication with a qualified signature creation device (QSCD)
- new implementation of communication with qualified signature creation device (QSCD) via Microsoft CryptoAPI (MSCAPI)
- support for placing data objects in subfolders in ASiC-e containers
- stricter validation of the objectId parameter
- fix of the validation of the OCSP response for different entries of the optional attributes of the algorithms
- unification of the OCSP and CRL validation procedure with the .NET version
- fix of incompatibility with the eDane Java application
- modification of opening documents in associated applications
- support for displaying data objects in subfolders in ASiC-e containers
D.Signer/XAdES Java Tools v2.0.12.2^
- ASiC Factory – support for processing data objects in subfolders
update of documentation for users:
update of documentation for integrators:
28. 2. 2024
Java KEP Components
D.Signer/XAdES v2.0.31.0^
- macOS – forcing application window focus
- fix of HTML visualization view when user signs multiple times
30. 11. 2023
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.7 Installer
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.32^
- SetRevocationChecking method added to API
- change of signature policy digest values
- update of the PDFNet SDK library to version 10.4
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.20
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2039^
- fix of an error in the processing of the XAdES-LT form
- fix of an error when loading Base64 with wrap from API
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher 2 v2.0.0.4
D.Updater v1.0.5
Java QES Components
D.Signer/XAdES v2.0.30.0^
- setRevocationChecking method added to API
- change of signature policy digest values
- update of the PDFNet SDK library to version 10.4
- added support for entering a signature PIN code when using PKCS#11
D.Bridge JS v1.5.1.0^ libraries
- improved error handling
- setRevocationChecking method added to API for D.Signer
- added support for D.Convert application
Documentation for integrators
- Update of documentation for integrators:
9. 6. 2023
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.6 Installer
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.31^
- fix of displaying of the window for entering proxy authentication data
- update of the PDFNet SDK library to version 10.0
- fix of certificate filter
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.20
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2038
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher 2 v2.0.0.4^
- fix of hiding drop-down rows in tables
- file association support
- automatic cancellation of the preferred choice of application, in case the choices for the application to be launched have changed
- added support of displaying notes for applications to be launched
- modification of error messages
- added display of the application version number if there are several versions of the same application to choose from for launch
- change of messages in dialogs if there is only one application to choose from for launch
- improved application uninstallation
D.Updater v1.0.5^
- GUI library update
- proxy library update
- modification of the window with an error message when the server with updates is unavailable
macOS a GNU/Linux
D.Launcher 2 v2.0.0.4^
- fix of hiding drop-down rows in tables
- file association support
- automatic cancellation of the preferred choice of application, in case the choices for the application to be launched have changed
- added support of displaying notes for applications to be launched
- modification of error messages
- added display of the application version number if there are several versions of the same application to choose from for launch
- change of messages in dialogs if there is only one application to choose from for launch
- added a second automatic application update check (delayed by 10 min) if the first one fails
- added the option to manually repeat the application update check if the second check also fails
- improved application uninstallation
Java QES components
D.Signer/XAdES v2.0.29.0^
- PDF plugin - update of the PDFNet library to version 10.0
- fix of certificate filter
- added a note to the application when launching via D.Launcher 2
D.Viewer v2.0.25.0^
- fix of CAdES parsing
- added a note to the application when launching via D.Launcher 2
D.Signer/XAdES Java Tools v2.0.12.1^
- added a note to the application when launching via D.Launcher 2
16. 3. 2023
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.5 Installer
- change of license agreement
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.30^
- change of license agreement
- certificate filter update
- fix of incorrect insertion of signature policy identifier in special cases
- update of PDFNet SDK library to version 9.4.2
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.20
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2038^
- checking of illegal HTML tags in HTML form visualizations
- addition of "Visualization type" and "Version" columns to the list of form visualizations
- processing of only valid ASiC container
- changing the label "KEP" to "Signature" in the signature item
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher 2 v2.0.0.3
D.Updater v1.0.4^
- addition of error message in case of invalid signature of the installation file
- extended logging
- addition of D.Convert and D.Bulk Signer products to product configuration
Java QES components
D.Signer/XAdES v2.0.28.0^
- change of license agreement
- certificate filter update
- update of PDFNet SDK library to version 9.4.2
- update of Bouncy Castle library to version 1.72
- macOS – improved integration with the system
D.Viewer v2.0.24.0^
- opening data objects by double-clicking in the displayed tree
- support for repackaged ZEPf into ASiC
- checking of illegal HTML tags in HTML form visualizations
- addition of "Visualization type" and "Version" columns to the list of form visualizations
- changing the label "KEP" to "Signature" in the signature item
- update of Bouncy Castle library to version 1.72
- displaying a "splash screen" when starting the application
- preparation for support of the association of the application to the files
- macOS – improved integration with the system
D.Signer/XAdES Java Tools v2.0.12.0^
- update of Bouncy Castle library to version 1.72
- ASiCFactory – unifying the behavior of the getInfo() method with the .NET version
- macOS – improved integration with the system
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.4 Installer
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.29^
- certificate filters update, support for a new recognized authorization method
- revocation checking of signing certificate
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.20
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2037^
- fixed saving of XML of the signed document in UTF8 format without BOM
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher 2 v2.0.0.3
D.Updater v1.0.3
Java QES Components
D.Signer/XAdES v2.0.27^
- certificate filters update, support for a new recognized authorization method
- revocation checking of signing certificate
- fixed function of the button for canceling the created signature
- modified way of saving of entered PIN
25. 11. 2022
Java QES components
D.Viewer Java v2.0.23.0^
- fix of application crash if default folder is empty
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.3^ installer
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.28^
- fix of bug in D.Launcher 2 plugin which caused unterminated process at execution via Chrome browser
- added TLS 1.2 support in wrapper for communication with D.Launcher v1
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.20^
- fix of bug in D.Launcher 2 plugin which caused unterminated process at execution via Chrome browser
- added TLS 1.2 support in wrapper for communication with D.Launcher v1
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2036^
- fix of bug in D.Launcher 2 plugin which caused unterminated process at execution via Chrome browser
- added TLS 1.2 support in wrapper for communication with D.Launcher v1
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher v2.0.0.3^
- WIN7: fix of missing console at execution in console mode
D.Updater v1.0.3^
- GUI and proxy library update
8. 11. 2022
Java KEP komponenty
D.Signer/XAdES Java Tools v2.0.11.0^
- changing the version numbering
- change of codesign certificate
D.Viewer Java v2.0.22.0^
- changing the version numbering
- change of codesign certificate
21. 9. 2022
Java KEP komponenty
D.Signer/XAdES Java v2.0.26.0
- XML plugin - trimming of the sourceXml parameter
- added support for eID client 4.0
- changing the version numbering
- license update for the PDFNet SDK library
- change of codesign certificate
26. 8. 2022
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.2 installator
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.27^
- kontrola dĺžky parametra objectId v XadesBpSig vetve
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.19
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2035
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher v2.0.0.2^
- fixed logging of standard error output of QES application to file
- signing application binaries with the manufacturer's certificate for code signing
D.Updater v1.0.2^
- fixed checking of the availability of updates on the secondary repository only if the primary repository is not available
- basic optimization of the application for blind and visually impaired persons
4. 8. 2022
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1.1 installator
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.26^
- fixed bug in plugin for D.Launcher 2 which prevented signing of HTML forms
- added more specific information in the exception in plugin for D.Launcher 2
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.19^
- added more specific information in the exception in plugin for D.Launcher 2
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2035^
- fixed bug in plugin for D.Launcher 2 which prevented signing of HTML forms
- added more specific information in the exception in plugin for D.Launcher 2
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher v2.0.0.1^
- typo correction in error message
- fix of displaying the product's installation progress
- added information about launched QES application to system variables
- added option to log standard error output of QES application to file
D.Updater v1.0.1
- typo correction in error message
macOS a GNU/Linux
D.Launcher v2.0.0.1
- typo correction in error message
- fix of displaying the product's installation progress
- added information about launched QES application to system variables
- added option to log standard error output of QES application to file
29. 6. 2022
D.Suite/eIDAS v1.1 installator
- added software components D.Launcher 2 and D.Updater
D.Signer/XAdES .NET v4.0.25^
- added plugin for D.Launcher 2
D.Signer/XAdES .NET Tools v4.0.18^
- added plugin for D.Launcher 2
D.Viewer .NET v4.0.2034^
- modified evaluation of XAdES_Bp signature levels
- added plugin for D.Launcher 2
- double click on document, certificate, CRL, OCSP in container structure opens the object
D.Launcher v1.2.0.2
D.Launcher v2.0.0.0
- added new component for communication between web browser and QES applications using Native Messaging
- replaces D.Launcher v1 on portals using D.Bridge JS v1.5
D.Updater v1.0.0.0
- added new component for automatic check for updates for D.Suite/eIDAS or individual .NET QES applications
macOS a GNU/Linux
D.Launcher v2.x
- added new component for communication between web browser and QES applications using Native Messaging
- replaces D.Launcher v1 on portals using D.Bridge JS v1.5
- automatic update of Java KEP components and the D.Launcher v2.x application itself
Java KEP components
D.Signer/XAdES Java v2.0.0.24
- modification due to compatibility with ESET products
- modification of the display of license conditions
- added plugin for D.Launcher v2
D.Viewer Java v2.0.0.21
- modification due to compatibility with ESET products
- modification of the display of license conditions
- added plugin for D.Launcher v2
D.Signer/XAdES Java Tools v2.0.0.11
- modification due to compatibility with ESET products
- modification of the display of license conditions
D.Bridge JS v1.5 libraries
- launching KEP components using D.Launcher v2.x (own webstart)
- communication between web browser and QES applications using Native Messaging