Dear users,
did you know that if you use some services of the portal regularly or repeatedly, you can add them to "Frequently used services"? This way you can also save the time and simplify access to selected electronic services. You can only add electronic services that are filled out directly in the electronic mailbox environment to frequently used services. External services, i.e. those whose forms are filled out on other portals (for example on,, etc.) cannot currently be added in this way.
You can add the selected service to "Frequently used services" by clicking on "Create message" in the left corner after logging in and entering the electronic mailbox. (Picture 1.)

Picture 1. - Creating a message in an electronic mailbox environment
Then you will get to an environment in which you can either search for a specific service in the prescribed structured form via "Find a service", or you can send a simple, unstructured submission to an office that does not provide a special service in the mentioned matter via "General submission". Then you create a submission (report). You can only add electronic services that are filled out directly in the electronic mailbox environment to frequently used services. (Picture 2.)

Picture 2. – Pick of service
When creating a new submission (report), click "Add to frequently used services" (Picture. 3) and the service will then be added to the list.

Picture 3. – Adding the service to Frequently used services
The service added in this way will be displayed in the "Frequently used services" section (Picture. 4) and you will not have to search for it repeatedly the next time you use it.
If you no longer need the service, you can delete it from the "Frequently used services" section with the simple "Delete" option, which is located on the right, always next to a specific service. (Picture 4.)

Picture 4. - Removing a service from frequently used services
Last modified: 17. 1. 2023
Publication date: 17. 1. 2023