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Digital COVID Pass

Dear users,

from 30th of June 2021, a mobile application GreenPass is available to store an EU Digital COVID Pass with a confirmation of vaccination, a PCR/Ag test or a COVID-19 disease overcome.

What is the Digital COVID Pass?

The EU digital COVID pass is a confirmation of vaccination, test (PCR/Ag) or COVID-19 disease overcoming. It might be necessary for the purpose of staying abroad or using services in Slovakia, for staying in summer camps and so on. From the 1st of July, the single EU Digital COVID Pass is valid in the European Union.

For more information about the possibility of downloading the GreenPass app or getting a digital COVID Pass, please visit the website of korona.gov.sk (only in Slovak).

Last modified: 19. 8. 2021
Publication date: 19. 8. 2021

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