Dear users,
for those who are interested in business, study or employment in Slovakia, the Central Government Portal provides information for EU citizens and foreigners in English version.

Figure 1 - Graphic illustration - English version of the portal
Information content of The Central Government Portal ( is available in two language versions, in Slovak and English language, which can be switched in the top bar of the page. English version contains basic information which is suitable for foreign users, whether they want to set up an electronic mailbox, provide access to electronic mailbox, obtain an alternative authenticator or proof of residence. The most searched information is included in the "Topics", section in sidebar on the right side.
Based on the Regulation establishing a Single Digital Gateway (SDG), in EN version of the portal there is section "Life events" where information is provided by public authorities itself. The content of these topics is regularly updated and contains useful information for inhabitants of the EU Member States and foreigners.
Main purpose of this project is to facilitate interaction between EU citizens or foreigners and public authorities through online access to information or electronic procedures.
The policy of the SDG is availability of information for foreign users as they will find this information in English on portal, so the Slovak users will find the necessary information on the state portals of each EU member states.
There are also available other important sections for foreign users , such as "User guides", which contains detailed procedures with illustrative images to make it easier for users to work with the portal and electronic mailboxes.
Another section such as Frequently asked questions and answers - "FAQ" provides additional information and contains answers for the most frequently asked questions from users of the portal. These sections are available in the bottom or in the right menu of the main page of
It is also possible to apply for the electronic procedures through the portal, which are established by responsible authorities. Electronic procedures allow users to communicate with authorities online. Information about what foreign users need to work with the Central Government Portal and electronic mailbox, is available in section "Start now" and software is available in "Download" section.
In case that foreign users are unable to work with the portal, operators of the call centre of the Central Government Portal are willing to help and explain the procedure. You can find contact information in the top bar of the portal under "Contact" or "Help".
In English version of the portal there were set-up three blue buttons on the right side of the menu. These buttons of assistance redirect the user to the Your Europe website, which is available in language versions of each EU member state.
Last modified: 20. 9. 2021
Publication date: 19. 8. 2021