Dear users,
if you are going to sell your car, certain vehicle registration obligations are waiting for you. If the owner of the vehicle is changed, it is necessary to notify to the Transport Inspectorate of the Police Force of the Slovak Republic within 30 days from selling the vehicle.
Registering the new owner of the vehicle is possible:

Figure 1 - Graphic illustration of registration of the new vehicle owner by using an electronic service
What do you need for using the electronic services?
In order to use electronic services, you need to have several tools, such as an ID card with an electronic chip (eID) and a personal security code (BOK) to log in to the electronic mailbox through the portal You also need a qualified electronic signature (KEP), a card reader and the app installation. More detailed information and procedures can be found in the section “Start now” on the title page of portal.
What electronic service do you need to use?
When changing the vehicle owner, it is necessary to submit an “Application for transition of the hold of the vehicle for another person” (only in Slovak) to deregister the previous holder (a seller). Once you have selected the electronic service and log in to the portal, an electronic form will appear and needs to be filled in. This service is typically used in cases where the future holder is from another district. If the future holder is from the same district, it is preferable to submit another electronic service such as an “Application for registration of new holder of the vehicle” (only in Slovak).
Who can submit the application?
The electronic service may be used by the vehicle owner for himself or by the vehicle holder following the electronic authorisation from the vehicle owner.
A condition for submitting the “Application for transition of the hold of the vehicle for another person” (only in Slovak) or the “Application for registration of new holder of the vehicle” (only in Slovak) is the scan of the power of attorney from the buyer, on which his signature must be officially certified with a notary or at the registry office. This document has to be attached in electronic form. Another option is the electronic assignment from the next holder of the vehicle (a buyer).
Procedure for registering an electronic assignment from the future holder of the vehicle:
New owner of the vehicle (buyer)
Before submitting the application, you must register your consent electronically in advance (signed by KEP) via the “Authorization for transit of the registration of the car” (only in Slovak).
Your application will be processed within a few working days after the inspectorate will approve all necessary documents attached.
How much does it cost?
No administrative fee is charged for the electronic service “Application for transition of the hold of the vehicle for another person” (only in Slovak) as it is a vehicle deregistration. The administrative fee is charged when new owner registers the vehicle.
What is the next step?
New owner of the vehicle (buyer) follows further procedure such as registering vehicle at the Transport Inspectorate of the Police Force within 30 days from the date on which the change of possession of the vehicle was reported. For this purpose new owner can use the electronic service “Application for registration of new holder of the vehicle“ (only in Slovak).
More information on the registration, as well as on administrative fees, are available on the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic website (only in Slovak) or in the related article “New car and registration duties“ on the portal.
Other electronic services related to vehicle registration can be found on the portal of the Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic.
Last modified: 14. 12. 2021
Publication date: 14. 12. 2021