Electronic communication with the public authorities
Nowadays, communication with the public authorities takes part in dealing with different life situations. It can be handled in person at the office, or by using the electronic submission of public authorities. Of course, the electronic form of communication has its advantages. Not only saving the time, but most of the administrative fees are half of the cost while electronic filing. In addition, you can make electronic submissions from anywhere and without the time limit, with an eID card, a card reader, a computer with internet access and the relevant software.

Figure 1 – Illustrative picture – What is “Life Situation” on the portal slovensko.sk
Life Situations at Slovensko.sk
The purpose of the slovensko.sk portal is to ensure simple and uniform access to information and electronic submission of the public authorities. A bookmark called “Life Events” is therefore available on the website slovensko.sk, where you can find practical information about the selected life situation (events). It is situated in the upper right corner, on the home page of the portal (Figure 2).

Figure 2 – "Life events" on the homepage of the portal
The “Life Events” section contains a total of 12 circles of the most common life situations that you solve such as housing, travel, finance, family, education, or employment (Figure 3).

Figure 3 – Overview of life situation´s topics
Life Situation - what to focus on?
1. Select the “Life Events” tab on the portal’s homepage in the upper right corner (Figure 2).
2. Choose the required area (e.g. Family and Relations) (Figure 4).

Fig. 4 – Selection of the topic ‘Family and relations’
3. Choose a specific life situation (e.g. Birth) (Figure 5).

Fig. 5 – Choice of the topic "Birth"
4. The portal will redirect you to the site where you can find all the necessary information regarding the pre-natal and post-natal duties (Figure 6).

Fig. 6 – Contents of the topic "Birth"
If authority provides, the portal will offer you a list of specific electronic submissions online. Otherwise, you will find information how to solve it in different way.
Last modified: 26. 8. 2021
Publication date: 26. 8. 2021