Dear users,
if “delivery notification” (SK: Notifikácia o doručení) arrives in your electronic mailbox, it means that an electronic document - decision is sent from the public authority to your electronic mailbox. Therefore, please confirm your delivery by entering the Personal Security Code (BOK) and only then access the content of the decision in your electronic mailbox via the “delivery notification”.

Figure 1 – Graphic ilustration for assuming decision into your own hands, in person and on electronic manner:
Note on Fig. 1: On one hand the decision may be brought to you by the postman upon delivery. If he does not reach you at home, you need to pick up your decision personally at the post office. The handwritten signature is required for a successful assumption. At the same time, the office is waiting for feedback on delivery. When you receive an electronic message, the decision comes directly to your electronic mailbox. Your BOK code is required for a successful assumption. In this case, the public authority will be notified that you received the decision in turn. This is an ecological solution in saving time and money spent on material and transport.
A public authority (office, institution) may only send the decision into own hands into an electronic mailbox activated for delivery. If you are a natural person or a natural person - entrepreneur, you can now activate the electronic mailbox for delivery voluntarily on request. For more information, see the user guide “User guide for the use of the electronic mailbox”.
When you find a message in the electronic mailbox, with the subject “delivery notification” (SK: Notifikácia o doručení), in order to display the actual text of the decision, you need to first open the notification, click on the green button “Receipt message” and enter a 6-digit personal code (BOK).
The “delivery notification” contains, for example, brief information of the sender, date of sending the electronic message, assumption period (15 days if a special law does not provide for another storage period) and the consequences of not assuming a decision.
Several decisions may come to your electronic mailbox at the same time, i.e. you will receive multiple “delivery notification”. However, you can download them all at once, through the button “Authorize message" and another button "Authorize all messages”. For more information, see “Guide for the mass acceptance of all delivery notifications” (the user guide is available only in Slovak).
Please note, the decision sent into your own hands in the authenticity mode is deemed to have been received, read and thus has legal effects even if you have not assumed delivery within the storage period via the green button “Receipt message” i.e. you have not become aware of its contents and the storage period has expired. In order not to miss important deadlines, we recommend setting up an e-mail or SMS notifications. You will be notified of sending a new message to your electronic mailbox and you will not need to check the contents of the electronic mailbox on a daily basis. For more information, see the related article "Will I find out about the new message without logging into the electronic mailbox?" (available only in Slovak).
Last modified: 26. 8. 2021
Publication date: 25. 8. 2021