Ústredný portál verejnej správy

Life situation


13. 06. 2017

Information about living in Slovakia.


07. 09. 2020

In this section you will find information related to staying abroad, documents related to traveling abroad, or opportunities to help in critical situations and other life situations associated with travel.

Intellectual property

24. 09. 2020

Intellectual property is "property" of an intangible nature that is the result of creative intellectual activity. Who can claim the legal protection of intellectual property, what can they claim and what threatens a person who unjustifiably interferes with the legal protection of intellectual property?


07. 09. 2020

Information about transport and travelling within the Slovak borders.


20. 12. 2017

Information on finance, tax issues, as well as advice on how to proceed in case of financial or enforcement problems.

Citizen and State

13. 06. 2017

Information about relations between the citizen and the state.


14. 02. 2024

The rights, obligations and other rules described on this webpage apply to foreigners interested in conducting business in Slovakia under the Trading Act. Both the Commercial Code and the Trading Act stipulate that a foreign entity shall be authorised to conduct business in Slovakia (operate a trade) under the same conditions and to the same extent as a Slovak entity.

Family and relationship

13. 06. 2017

Information about family and relations.

Education and sport

02. 10. 2020

What does education in Slovakia look like from pre-school education to higher education? Who has what competencies, where to turn in case of questions and basic information related to education and sports can be found in this section.


13. 06. 2017

Information about employment, social system ...


13. 06. 2017

Information about Slovak health system.


11. 09. 2020

The environment is everything that creates natural conditions for the existence of organisms, including humans. In order to maintain and improve the balance of the various components of the environment, we must protect them from harmful interference and influences. In the Environment section, you will find basic information on how the protection of individual components of the environment is ensured.