Ústredný portál verejnej správy



The basic entitlement to paid leave is at least 4 weeks.

Annual leave for an employee who is at least 33 years of age before the end of the relevant calendar year and an employee who permanently takes care of a child is a minimum of 5 weeks.

A minimum leave of 8 weeks per calendar year applies to:

a) teachers and teaching assistants under a special act;
b) university teachers;
c) research workers or art workers of a public university or state university;
d) employees with a minimum tertiary education of the second degree carrying out research and teaching activities or research activities, research and development at a research facility of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, public research institution or organisation financed from the state budget or co-financed from the state budget, which carries out research and is established by a central government body.

If employees work in difficult conditions or conditions hazardous to health, they are entitled to supplementary leave of 1 week per year.

Collective agreements may provide for a more favourable entitlement to leave than the above minimum legal entitlements.

Explanatory laws:

Only in Slovak:

Last modified: 18. 2. 2021
Publication date: 7. 10. 2020

The responsible person:

Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of Slovak Republic
+421 2 2046 0000
