Ústredný portál verejnej správy

Starting the Small Claim Procedure from the Civil Perspective

Citizen and State

The advantage of the Small Claim Procedure is that parties do not have to go through court hearings in minor disputes, which makes the process significantly more efficient and quicker. For more information, please read the text below.

Responsible: Statistical Office of the Slovak republic

Estimated time to complete the form: 50 min
Frequently asked questions
User Guide

1. What is Small Claim Proceeding?
2. How is Small Claim Proceeding legislatively regulated?
3. How to start the procedure?
4. How is the evidence attached?
5. How to get information about the proceedings?
6. How is the court decision delivered?
7. How to appeal against a court decision?

What is Small Claim Proceeding?

Small Claim Proceeding (minor dispute) has to fulfill following conditions:

  • matter can be easily to judge legally;
  • factual allegations of the parties are not argumentative;
  • value of the claim is less than  2,000 € (without accessories).

How is Small Claim Proceeding legislatively regulated?

The Slovak legal order does not contain any specific legal regulation of the procedure, so the Small Claim Proceeding is regulated by general provisions of the Civil Litigation Procedure Code (Sections 156 to 264 - only in Slovak). If the listed conditions are fulfilled, it is not necessary to order a hearing in the Small Claim Proceedings (it is up to the court to decide whether or not to adjudicate on a particular case). The initiating fee is 6% of the dispute value (at least 16.50 €). The fee is reduced by 50% (70 € maximum) in the case of electronic submission. 

How to start the procedure?

Small Claim Proceeding may be started by filling a paper form or an electronic form (authorized by qualified electronic signature or seal) directly through the portal of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic (MJ SR) eAccusations (only in Slovak) or through the Central Government Portal www.slovensko.sk (only in Slovak). In order to use portal services, the user must be logged in. The first login to electronic services of MJ SR is preceded by user name and password registration or through the Central Government Portal using an ID card with an electronic chip (eID card), residence card with an electronic chip, or an alternative authenticator. The portal services can also be used through the slovensko.sk, which requires authentication by the eID card.

How is the evidence attached?

If the accusation is filled electronically, the evidence shall be annexed to the electronic submission, the size of which shall not exceed 50 MB (together with the proposal).

How to get information about the proceedings?

The parties and their legal representatives have the right to inspect the court file and make extracts, write-offs and copies thereof or ask the court to make copies, if they cover the material costs.

Related Electronic Services (only in Slovak):

How is the court decision delivered?

Delivery of a court decision is governed by the general provisions of the Civil Litigation Procedure Code (only in Slovak). Act no. 305/2013 (only in Slovak) Coll. about the e-Government regulates the details of delivery to the electronic mailbox. The delivery of a document to the electronic mailbox which is activated for delivery has the same legal effect as the document delivered by post office or other delivery service. To access the electronic mailbox, you need to have access to the Internet (slovensko.sk), eID card (with electronic chip) and the personal security code, the electronic card reader and the corresponding software. The drivers for the card reader and the application packages are available on the slovensko.sk portal in the Download section.

How to appeal against a court decision?

The appeal need to be filled within 15 days of delivery of the decision. An electronic service (only in Slovak) can also be used to appeal against a court decision.

Frequently asked questions

What is the maximum upload size of attachment?

The maximum size of one attachment (document) is 2MB. The maximum size of full submission is 5MB.

How to scan the attachments correctly?

The attachments attached to the submission need to be scanned at 150-200 dpi black and white and no larger than the maximum limit.

How to open .ZEP files?

The .zep format can be opened in the current QSign application.

Last modified: 22. 2. 2021
Publication date: 8. 12. 2017

The responsible person:

redakcia ÚPVS (knk)


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